On Site Workshops

I enjoyed teaching R workshops for many years, but I have retired from teaching them. I leave the workshop pages up just to let people know.

Workshops presented at your site are usually far more interactive and successful than webinars or online videos. These are the general steps followed for an on-site workshop; the actual days and topics are determined by the needs of the client.

Around 4-6 weeks in advance: Set the agenda, sign written proposal locking in date. Often several clients are considering a particular date. The first one who signs gets that date.

One week before workshop: The instructor sends the workshop files that include: instructions for installing R, RStudio, the R packages that we’ll use, detailed notes in R Markdown and PDF formats, example programs, exercise problems, and exercise solutions. Files are installed in the computer lab or distributed to participants to install on their laptops.

Monday before workshop: Meet on site with a system administrator to ensure files are all set up correctly. There’s often something missing, but it’s usually easy to fix in an hour or two in a computer lab. If there is no computer lab, we hold a “setup meeting” where everyone brings their laptops to test the installation.

Tuesday: First day of basic R training, 9:00 to 5:00 with an hour break for lunch. If laptop users were unable to set up in advance, we can start at 8:00 to do the installations. Tip: arrange for lunch on-site to avoid delays.

Wednesday: Second day of basic R training.

Thursday: Optional data management training. While optional, it’s such a fundamental topic that it’s generally taken by everyone. If the organization already has R experts, they often attend just this topic.

Friday: Second day of data management.

At End of the Workshop: Participants will have a short e-book (via R Markdown) on each topic, containing all the course code and output, as well as their own notes taken during the workshop. Participants will fill out a brief online survey reporting how they liked various aspects of the training. A report is available immediately afterward for management.

Following week: Participants send their questions to the instructor via email or, if it gets complicated, phone, or Skype. There is no limit on asking course-specific questions (no additional charge), but they tend to fade out after a week or two.